Monday, September 24, 2007

Bob Firman 2007 (Pre-Race)

Bob Firman 2007

Trust me, I had all kinds of captions for this picture.

If you mess with Davis High, you're messin' with these Thugs!

"I am seriously this close to opening up a can of ..., well I don't want to say what it's a can of, but you do not want it opened."

Don't think I didn't have some "short jokes". I did NOT doctor this picture either. This was taken 12 seconds before Ken accidentally stepped on Janae.

How the tags should look. First name Big!

And How Coach Talley Corbin Jan's tag looks.
"Can you see how the idiots put my last name as my first name?"

"I coulda worn my "Seth-tastic" Yellow hat too if I wanted to." moaned Gutz after noticing all of the lady folk crowded around Jason's hat minutes earlier.

I guess I should have asked to take his picture.

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