Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bob Firman 2007, (Boys Varsity)

Bob Firman 2007, (Boys Varsity)

Randall Hicksticker Mashiki of the Rams is a little star struck as he notices he is running beside Seth "Everything's-tastic" Gutzwiller in Boise, ID of all places.

* Laugh if you will, but yelling encouraging words and taking pictures with runners centered is a lot harder than you think. Try talking a look through my camera.

Elite Varsity Boys

16 Seth Gutzwiller 16:18

27 Spencer Anderson 16:28

70 Bryce Larsen 17:01

79 Jason Thomas 17:12

93 Jordan Stuart 17:24

100 Leland Stenquist 17:29

108 Bryson Snow 17:33

TEAM: 11th place

*JV RUNNERS: I am sorry I didn't get a chance to take your pictures. It is not because I do not love you guys. I take every one's pictures and upbraideth not. You will be caught in the shutter very soon.

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